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Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. Partners with OpenERP!

July 24, 2013 by
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. Partners with OpenERP!

Guys, July 1 brings a great pleasure for us that we become Ready Partner with OpanERP SA. Details are here. We would like to thank Mantavya Gajjar and Dhaval Trivedi for all their support.
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. Partners with OpenERP 
We become the nearest partner having our office near to where OpenERP Indian Office is located. We've chosen to be the ready partner as we are in the initial stage. We have done so many contributions on OpenERP Server, OpenERP web, OpenERP addons, OpenERP USA branch. Our main contributions (some are released,some are yet to) are:

We assure the community to be the best partner in coming days with our participation actively in OpenERP. We provide several OpenERP Services like : Our clientèle has reached 24 countries and this is all courtesy to OpenERP.