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SerpentCS gets an award being among Top 100 SMEs, by Ministry of MSME

Achieving the national award and recognition by Govt. of India
September 3, 2018 by
SerpentCS gets an award being among Top 100 SMEs, by Ministry of MSME

Date : August 09, 2018

Location : The EROS Hotel, New Delhi, India.

On the stage : Union Secretaries, Ambassadors, Union Ministers, National Leaders, Youth Icons

The global service provider of Business Applications and Software Solutions, SerpentCS has been awarded for the excellence delivered for the IT industry by India SME Forum on the 5th Annual meeting supported by Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India and sponsored by Axis Bank. This is an another proud moment of celebration for the hardwork done by the team of Serpent Consulting Services since its inception, 2011.

The award was presented to the Managing Director of SerpentCS, from Mr. Giriaj Singh, the Hon. Minister of MSME and Mr. Kalraj Mishra, the former Union Cabinet Minister of MSME, govt. of India.  The stage was chaired by Industrialists, Governors, Foreign Consulates, Union Ministers and the chairman of IndiaSME forum.

Award to SerpentCS


SerpentCS feels immense pleasure to receive the award situating itself from the competition of various Limited companies and making it out of the 33102 nominations. It has been a proven fact that we listen to our Customers, suggest the best fit solution, serve the state-of-the art, deliver quality, hire the best talent, nourish the employees to do the best, respecting the time and accuracy. These factors are the bricks of our foundation leading to Success.


India SME Forum Certificate

There were around 100 awardees chosen from all over India and we feel lucky being one among them; ofcourse the hardwork beats luck. The awardees were well analysed by the India SME forum from various sectors and regions of India specially for their vital role in the development of India for mainly the following factors:

  • Financial Growth
  • Employment Generation
  • Quality of Services
  • Innovation
  • Social activities by responsible programs to deliver back to the society
  • Corporate Governance
  • People Capital
  • Certifications and awards achieved
  • Global Presence and International outlook - reputation

Award - SerpentCS

India SME Forum, India’s largest Small & Medium Business Movement has been formed in May 2011, with the objective to propel a Small and Medium Business Movement across the country, our aim was to provide a voice to small and medium entrepreneurs, wilting under the non entrepreneur friendly policies of the then dispensation, and to support and recognise innovative, globally competitive, SMEs in India. Starting out with 400 members in 2011, today we have over 76,000+ MSMEs as members, 270+ Sectoral & Regional Associations as Supporters and 35 major banks, corporations & organizations as partners. They have been at the forefront of demanding a radical change in the way our country is led. They are committed to a paradigm shift in the mindset of the people of our country, towards its entrepreneurs.

As part of their mission, the India SME Forum, shares best practices, information and knowledge as well as seeks and recognises MSMEs who have exhibited great success in leading their enterprises, creating much needed employment, enabling a sustainable ecosystem and catapulting their enterprise to the next stage, while navigating the inherent risks imminent with business.

This award is so encouraging for the team of SerpentCS and this enables us to deliver better to our customer, keep the momentum going and achieve even more helping the development of the nation.


Receiving Award

SerpentCS is thankful to everyone who have been supporting us for all during the years since incubation, either actively or passively; be it the local government, well wishers, ex-colleagues, customers and employees. This is a victory of yours, be proud!

Thank you.