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GNU Health project at Kyeni Consolata Hospital - Kenya !

September 21, 2013 by
GNU Health project at Kyeni Consolata Hospital - Kenya !

GNU Health is a free Health and Hospital Information System with many awards.
Few weeks ago Thymbra got a mail from Beatriz Meijide. She is from Spain and she has been involved in a very great project for the last 10 years. GNU Health project at Kyeni Consolata Hospital - Kenya
Beatriz has been collaborating with the Kyeni Consolata Hospital (Kenya), this a 166 bed hospital with a patient growth on +188% from 2005 to 2012. It is considered the locals favorite hospital for personalised attention and services. The hospital has improved a lot since 2005 and the idea of the people working there is to enhance it even more. Knowing that the Hospital was in need of an Hospital Information System, Beatriz heard about GNU Health and contacted us and completed a GNU Health Training.

GNU Health project at Kyeni Consolata Hospital - Kenya
These are her words:
    " ... I believe GNU Health will take the Kyeni Hospital to another level an it will greatly increase the efficiency and control of the hospital information. I think it covers all te areas we need and it also offers the ability to customize further developments if they are required. It's been a very intense training and I believe I'll be able to train the  local team in Kenya ! GNU Health is a very "user-friendly" system and I hope we'll be another success story ... " Beatriz Meijide
GNU Health project at Kyeni Consolata Hospital - Kenya
GNU Health project at Kyeni Consolata Hospital - Kenya
GNU Health project at Kyeni Consolata Hospital - Kenya
Thanks again to Beatriz and the Kyeni Hospital. We're very proud and exited to be part of this beatiful project !
Courtesy : Gnu Solidario