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Mass Editing in OpenERP/Odoo : Completely Configurable

October 1, 2012 by
Mass Editing in OpenERP/Odoo : Completely Configurable

Hello OpenERP Community, Here goes the mass_editing module for OpenERP and Odoo! The Latest source of v9 is here : As asked by few members by email, we have added a little video as well : 


As it is said by someone,'Never Leave a chance to Thank anyone'. Let SerpentCS take a privilege to thank the OpenERP community for keeping the world of OpenSource Alive. Here we represent one of the most useful features in ERPs, called Mass Editing. The aim is simply to edit/remove some values of more than one records at the same time, on the fly. The module is available at for download.

The complete video is available to see at Youtube. Few Screens:
 1. Mass Editing Menu Location
   Mass Editing in OpenERP/Odoo  
 2. Mass Editing Config
   Mass Editing in OpenERP/Odoo  
 3. Mass Editing Action
   Mass Editing in OpenERP/Odoo  
 4. Mass Editing Screen
    Mass Editing in OpenERP/Odoo
The module is 6.0 compatible too as we believe in same treatment to everyone. I have not tested with 5.0 personally, but I am sure of this module to work on 5.0 too. Needless to say, this is 6.1+ compatible originally.

You might download the code from:

1. Extra Addons 6.0 

2. Extra Addons Trunk(as on date, its trunk)  

3. Community Addons 

4. Version 7 Server Env tools  

Any feedback/suggestion/queries are welcomed at

Many Thanks,

Serpent Consulting Services.