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Webkit Reports for all modules in OpenERP v7 by SerpentCS

October 9, 2013 by
Webkit Reports for all modules in OpenERP v7 by SerpentCS

Hello Community, Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd., a ready partner of OpenERP feels proud to announce that we are contributing 62 webkit reports of core/offiicial modules of OpenERP v7. A big thanks to Camptocamp for this wonderful reporting engine. After a huge effort and investing almost 1 month with 3 fulltime developers, we have been able to complete all webkit reports. Our next target is to make them fully v7 compatible as per the code quality and standard. We invite you to download, use and comment so we can improve them and gift better things to community. Here is the branch from where you will see them : OpenERP v8 reports are under construction and we are planning to collaborate with OpenERP itself for this huge effort. The WIP is here : After an announcement inside the community, we have got suggestions from Community to spread this among various other projects as follows, so we are doing the same too.

          Thank you, Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.