In today’s fast moving digital world, it is very important for every small and large business to get along with new changes happening around the Tech world. Most of the time innovations and fast changes in the form of up gradation seem overwhelming to cope up with. Let’s not neglect the facts and importance of Integration of systems on growing organizations. Technological upgradation comes with the threat of security. Prioritizing these factors, Odoo’s Gold Partner “Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd'' brings you hassle free, secure and reliable payment Gateway, Odoo Worldpay Payment Gateway Integration.
With the help of Worldpay Payment customers can securely pay for their purchases and from the Admin panel one can easily configure the payment received and all transaction data related to the payment. Moreover one can also accept multiple currencies on the website. After choosing the Worldpay Payment system you will find the implementation of the integration and organizing of the payment Gateway very easy and you do not need to take any technical help to maintain it, which in a way gives you cost effective benefits.
Start paying with Odoo Worldpay Payment Gateway Process cash with fast and reliable payment service from the UK's number one provider.
- Odoo Worldpay enables you to make online payment quick and easy.
- Our Risk management modules allow us to keep keen check on any malfunctions happening with our logical patterns in payment data and Shopper.
- Our Dashboard is created in such a way that one can get the real time review of the orders.
To know more, kindly visit our YouTube channel: -
You can purchase the module from the Odoo App store, click here.
For easy understanding refer to our workflow
- After purchasing and Installing the Worldpay Payment Gateway from odoo apps in your database:
- You need to create an account in the Worldpay Payment Acquirer from the site:
Configure Worldpay Credential
- Details like a MerchantID, password and a Secret Key will be provided once the account is created; this is unique per account and has to be filled in acquirer details in Odoo.
For configuring the Worldpay Payment Acquirer details, follow the following steps :-
→ Go to Accounting/Invoicing Module → Under Configuration → Go to Payment Acquirers.
- Under the specified Payment Acquirer, there are fields under the credentials that have to be populated with the keys that were obtained on creation of the account in the Worldpay Payment Acquirer site.
- This will help in an efficient and smooth payment process using this acquirer.
- Under the configuration tab the convenient payment journal can also be added for precise reporting purpose.
- In case of the failure of the payment like if the payment gets canceled, in case it is in pending state , successful payment or in case one needs any help, one can set a message for each of the situations under the Messages tab besides Configuration as seen in the screenshot.
- Let us now see how all this configuration can help do a successful payment using the Worldpay Payment Acquirer.
- Go to the website module→ click on shop → select a product → click on process checkout.
- Select Worldpay Payment Acquirer for processing the payment → Click on Pay Now.
Following below Test Card Numbers :-