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GNU Health 1.6 series released

July 3, 2012 by
GNU Health 1.6 series released




From Luis Falcon`s blog:

I'm proud to announce GNU Health 1.6 series !This series brings a lot of exciting features, both from the technical and functional point of views. On the technical side, the most important one is the compatibility with Tryton 2.4, and the demo database, so you can test it with data.

On the functional side, improvements in the gynecology module, especially in terms of screening (mammography, PAP tests, colposcopies... ) and history taking. There has been major changes in the services and billing functionality, making easy the tracking of all the services done to a patient, and what would be subject to invoicing.  

GNU Health 1.6 series released
Evaluations per doctor chart in GNU Health

  Some of the features in the 1.6 series, in brief :

  • Compatible with Tryton 2.4
  • Full Patient clinical history reporting in LibreOffice
  • Included demo database with over 500 patients
  • Realtime charts and statistics graphics
  • Automatic  doctor assignment in patient evaluations
  • Add Gynecological Screening History - Mammography, PAP and colposcopy
  • Improve patient evaluation , differential diagnosis and secondary conditions
  • Add disease groups, very useful for epidemiology
  • Better patient and contact tracking
  • Initial Tuberculosis lab tests, included in the MDG (Millennium Development Goal # 6 ) module.
We have also included the Health services module,
GNU Health 1.6 series released
Health Services form in GNU Healt

This new module allows to group all the services done to a patient, in either ambulatory or inpatient settings. The module will give the health center the possibility to also invoice selected services to a specific party (patient, insurance company .. ). Since the services are linked to products, the health center will keep a detailed record of the drugs and consumables used. They will also be able to relate the lab orders.Thank you to all of you who have contributed to this new version of GNU Health. Thanks to the Tryton community for the great Tryton 2.4; to my colleagues from Thymbra for developing the graphics / reporting module (Sebastián), working on the documenation and testing (Cristina and Selene) and, of course, to all the GNU Health and GNU community for adopting and hosting our project !

About GNU Health :GNU Health is a free Health and Hospital Information System that provides the following functionality :



  •     Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
  •     Hospital Information System (HIS)
  •     Health Information System

GNU Health has been awarded the Best Project of Social Benefit from the Free Software Foundation in 2012.

GNU Health is an  official  GNU Package , chosen by  Richard Stallman, and is part of  GNU Solidario. GNU Solidario is a NGO that delivers education and health to emerging economies with free software.GNU Health is the Hospital Information System  chosen by the United Nations International Institute of Global Health.

Main site :

Governments hosting GNU Health through their portals :

European Commission (EU) , JoinUp

Brazil: Portal do Software Público Brasileiro (SPB)