Mobile Application/Platform
In the initial days when India was taking baby steps to adopt technology in governance was about to shift things from paper to computer devices. Massive amount of government officials & related people were getting trained to work on computer devices. It's been less than 20 years and now going a step further, we are now moving to mobility where the importance of hand-held devices has been increased and strong network connectivity is fueling the accessibility of data in the quickest way possible. Mobile devices have become powerful both with hardware built and also in terms of software applications. There are endless possibilities for innovation in the government sector as well and that is something we are offering here in the package of our SmartCity ERP Solution. We have a combined way of accessibility or a group of Mobile Apps which speed up the process of service delivery to the citizens. Like the computer-based ERP solution we have, Mobile Apps with other integrated systems provide the platform to look after the majority of the service areas like Administration, Health, Education, Waterworks, Social Welfare and many others. This is going to be a new and innovative way how governments & citizens to interact with each other. So it's not only for the government agencies & users but there will be citizen-facing views where citizens can communicate with the respective authorities for services they need. This will allow people to do many things digitally and that makes the whole process faster for any requests/claims for the citizens.
Clean & comfortable UI/UX
Integration with state & central government legacy systems
Platform & Resolution Independent Hybrid Apps
Access to the common citizen database
Multilingual & Unicode-support architecture

Platforms Availability
The developed Mobile App is available for both of the majorly used platforms like Android & iOS. This will benefit to reach a wider range of people and they will also be able to connect to the local & other respective government authorities in the best way possible. Some of the special purpose apps will be native but the commonly used Apps are going to be the hybrid ones which is helping us to develop it once and use it across the platforms. This also ensures that both of the platforms have almost the same interface to maintain universality & uniformity.

Citizens-Specific Features
Since we discussed smart governance by having a full-fledged ERP Solution along with Mobile Apps, the important thing here is to ensure what citizens are benefiting from and how. Here are some of the points which simplify the tasks any citizen performs on the Mobile App.
Apps allow citizens with the Open-ID Integration by which the user will be able to log in through their social media accounts like Google, Facebook & Twitter. Users will have their profiles and also can access the payment portion when it is applicable to them. Users will be able to get the Application from various open publication portals like PlayStore for Android and iOS Store for Apple users. Also, we have taken good care of UI/UX. It offers simplistic ways of access and allows users to access Images, Audio, and Videos with stronger search and filtering capabilities by date-time or location. Apps would allow a user to share the respective content directly with major social media platforms and direct options for the same have been provided for ease of sharing. Apps will need to have access to the user’s local devices to access contacts or galleries for any required purposes. Also, there will be a provision for feedback so that the App Development Agency can improvise the platform and make it the way the users want it to be. Apps would have direct integration with payment gateways which let customers pay/receive the amount if any monetary transaction is a case. Resolution independence is one more important aspect as thousands and lakhs of customers will have different mobile kinds of mobile phones or tablets. Language is also a factor when you want to connect with a cosmopolitan audience. Having said that, we also offer multilingual support. People from all across geographies and cultures will easily be able to use the platforms.

Features for the Ease of Administration
Web & Mobile applications are more to take care of the user interface as it is a citizen-facing interface. But if we talk about the government agencies & authorities there will be an ease of access for them too. They will be interacting with the citizen’s data and perform various operations. The mobile application will have the capability to get integrated with other respective systems so that the common data can be accessed throughout the network of systems and Apps used by different departments/authorities. It allows direct integration or API-based integration as per the need of two or more systems to communicate with each other in order to serve the purpose of data sharing. Authorities are also to be in active touch with us for support, improvements & upgrades to be offered to the citizens. Agencies will be able to announce the upgrades and citizens will be notified of the same to update the App. At some point, it may be optional for the citizens to upgrade but sometimes it may be pushing citizens to mandatorily upgrade the App for better accessibility to the enhanced applications.
We believe you might have received a fair idea of how these Mobile Apps will work and which areas the administration will serve the citizens by utilizing the best-in-class mobile & network technology to make service delivery and other transactions faster & efficient.