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How to Manage Attendance for Remote Employee

Track your employee attendance hassle-free.
June 3, 2021 by
How to Manage Attendance for Remote Employee

In today's era, hybrid work and remote work are becoming increasingly popular, and with that comes the challenge of managing attendance for remote employees. This is where an ERP system like Odoo can be incredibly helpful. 

Odoo ERP is an all-in-one business management software that can be customized to meet the specific needs of your Business. One of the modules that Odoo offers is attendance management, which can be tailored to work seamlessly with your remote employees.

Here are some of the features of Odoo's attendance management module that make it ideal for remote employee management:

Real-time attendance tracking:

With Odoo's attendance management module, remote employees can easily log in and log out of work from their computers or mobile devices. The system records their attendance in real-time, making it easy for managers to keep track of their work hours and ensure they are putting in the required number of hours.

I) To set a unique PIN Code for each employee under the Employee Module in the HR Settings and 

II) Check in/Check out from the Attendance Module.


Let’s have a look at the first one: 

Employees can be given a separate unique ID for Attendance Management Purposes. This ID can be set under the HR Settings tab in the Employee Module. There will be different  PIN Codes for each employee and it will be useful for time tracking.


For Setting the PIN go to Employee Module under the go-to HR Settings tab there will be one field name PIN Code and from there it can be configured. Once the configuration is done click on the SAVE button and from now on the employee has to enter a PIN code which for Attendance Management purposes. 


Once the PIN Code is set, employees can go to the Attendance Module and they can see the Kiosk Mode tab there. As soon as they click on the Kiosk menu they will see the screen as mentioned below. 


On that screen, they will see the Check-in options and from there they need to select "Identify Manually".

Once they click on the option they will see the below-given screen. 


Employees need to use the PIN Code which is added under their Employee profile in the HR Settings tab. Once they enter the PIN Code and click on the OK button system will create their check-in/check-out entry.


Now let’s look at the second option:

It’s easy to set up and manage attendance and it will recognize based on their login information. Odoo Can automatically identify the employees and can directly allow them to do Check in/Check out from the Attendance Module.


The employees can check in from the Attendance Management Module with the Check-in button. Once they check in the check-in time will show right above the button.


Similarly, there will be a Check-Out button which can be used for sign-out purposes and check-out time will be displayed there. All the data will be saved into the database so the live attendance tracking is easily accessible.


All the attendance records are going to be recorded in the database. To check the attendance records we can see the attendance tab in the dashboard as shown below. 


Attendance can also be created from the attendance tab by clicking on the new button, a new field will appear as shown below. 


Once the new field appears click on the employee tab to click employee from the list for the attendance creation as shown below. 


Once you select the employee from the list go to the check-in field and a calendar tab will pop up, you can select the check-in date and time from here. 


Just like check-in settings, you can add check-out details too. 


After adding check-in and check-out details as soon as you click on the save button your new attendance record is going to be created. 


Attendance Reporting: 

The Attendance reporting in Odoo provides a powerful tool for analyzing employee attendance data and identifying attendance patterns. It allows you to make informed decisions based on real-time data and improve the efficiency of employee attendance management.


Let’s look at the attendance analysis. 

The above graphical presentation represents the attendance analysis for March month. The X and Y axis holds Hours Worked and Check-in Date respectively. On the top as you can see the employees are identified by different colours. 


The bar graph shows how many hours a particular employee did work on a particular day. You can easily see the average working hours of the employees with the help of this analysis. 


You can use different measures for your data analysis. As you can see in the above picture there is an analysis of the extra hours worked by employees. 


On the right side, you can see an orange graph which represents the employee Mitchel and if you move your cursor to the graph you can see the extra hours spent by him on a particular day. 

So, It allows you to analyze the extra work or overtime done by your employees during a day, a week or a month and it allows you to plan and forecast your work and resources in the best possible way. 


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