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SerpentCS analyzes that United States is Moving to OpenSource !

April 25, 2013 by
SerpentCS analyzes that United States is Moving to OpenSource !

Since last 3 weeks, Husen Daudi and Jay Vora are observing a growth in the no. of visits of our blogs and website.

1. blog-serpent-consulting-service !
2. Husen's blog !
3. Jay's Blog !

Serpent Consulting Services works on various OpenSource Products including OpenERP, GNUHealth, SugarCRM, vTiger, Alfresco, Liferay and Tryton.

It's usually seen that Europe and Asia have been the only continents using OpenSource products and tools. But what recent results have shown to us, is very merry-making to the OpenSource projects, editors, communities, integrators, implementors, service providers and developers. United states of America which is well-known for the usage of Proprietary softwares has been looking for OpenSource Solutions.

Following are the images proving it.

Visits on our OpenERP Blogs recently by Day, week and Month.

By Day

SerpentCS : OpenERP Visits per day

By Week

SerpentCS : OpenERP Visits by week

By Month

SerpentCS : OpenERP visits per month
 The possible reasons are the searches made on search engines for the search topics as:

1. Opensource benefits.
2. Low cost and effective ERP solutions.
3. OpenERP Training.
4. OpenERP Technical and Functional Training.
5. How to Learn OpenERP.
6. OpenERP Support and OpenERP Migration
7. OpenERP version 7 easy to use.

United states of America is an Economical and Technological Super power. Getting motivation for OpenSource from that part of world is a great news for Opensource believers. We don't mean bad for proprietary softwares, but the competition will be tough and outcome will be the quality of products, quality of services.

You would be amazed to know why Cisco, skype, Teamviewer, etc. are enemies for many Airlines now a days. For an unbelievable reasons the airlines of all parts of the world are angry due to the services provided by Online meeting tools as mentioned above. The simple reason is you get everything at your screenstep (doorstep, usually used). Without buying the expensive tickets, you can enjoy whatever you wish to learn from home and that too at your desired time. This is the savings of time and money.

We at SerpentCS have been offering the remote support, trainings and development assistance for many United States' software firms for Liferay, OpenERP and SugarCRM. OpenERP Offshore and Trainings are among the hot trends!

GOD bless opensource world and lets welcome United states of America.

Serpent Consulting Services!