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Change Language in Odoo - V15 and V16

Complete guide of how can you Add/Edit Language in OdooERP
August 13, 2013 by
Change Language in Odoo - V15 and V16

If you want to use Odoo in your local/nationalized language or any other language (other than English(default)), you can surely change the Language in a few minutes. Just follow the simple steps below and Odoo will be converted into your selected language.

Login into the Odoo system with your username and password. Go to Settings → Translations → Click on Languages

Version 15

Version 16


This will display all the available languages in Odoo. Search for the language into which you want to translate into and activate the language as shown in screenshots.

Version 15

Version 16


Now we just have to configure the language(French) in User Preferences. Go to the upper right side of the user and click on Preferences.

Version 15

Version 16


By clicking Preferences a new window will open up and select your language(French) from the list of languages(Here you will get all the list of languages which you have activated) and save your data.

Version 15

Version 16


Version 15

Congratulations! We have successfully translated Odoo into your language(French).

There are lots of terms which have been already translated by an official translation, but still there would be many terms, translation of which is yet not done. You can find them at Settings → Translations →Translated Terms and filter records by Untranslated” and you will get all the list of Untranslated Terms. You can define your own translation terms in Translation Value”.


Version 16

Congratulations! We have successfully translated Odoo into your language(French).

There are lots of terms which have been already translated by an official translation, but still, there would be many terms, the translation of which is yet not done. You can import the terms using Import/Export for languages.

You can import the existing terms for a module by going to Settings -> Translations -> Export Translation.

Select the language, file format and modules for which you want to export the translation and click on “Export”.

Add the missing translation values in the exported file and can import the same to update/add new translated terms in Odoo.


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