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Odoo tips of the month Feb 2015!

April 16, 2016 by
Odoo tips of the month Feb 2015!

Please note down the ODOO tips coming out of Media around Odoo. - Inside your, you may remove 'auto_install': False. The default value is False. - Use self.env.context instead of passing context as an argument. - Use anytime you wish to use cr related operations. - The xml files supports <odoo/> tag now. <data> tag is no more necessary on view. - Import statements have been made better:

-from openerp.osv import osv, fields
-from openerp import tools, SUPERUSER_ID
-from import _
+from openerp import _, api, fields, models, SUPERUSER_ID, tools

- The default key can be specified in the field definition itself: fields.Selection([('a', 'SerpentCS'),('b', 'Odoo')], default='a') - self.pool.get(MODELNAME) becomes self.env[MODELNAME] - Use CamelCase for Classname in Odoo. example : class SaleOrder(). - Use UserError from "openerp.exceptions import UserError" instead of conventional "raise osv.except_orm". - Put all your view XML files under views directory. Put all your class files under models directory. - The webpages translation has been made quite nicely. - The import statements still have 'openerp', other conventions are moved to odoo. - On web modules, Model_pool.browse(, SUPERUSER_ID, order_id) can be replaced by "request.env[ModelName].sudo().browse(order_id)" Please see more Updates: 1. Odoo news in Feb 2015 Part 1 2. Odoo news in Feb 2015 Part 2. 3. 'Shop by Brands' in Odoo 4. Digital Signature in Odoo 5. Audittrail by OCA.     Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. is providing various ODOO services in more than 39 countries.Our services includes Training, Support, Migration, Implementation, Development and offshore. We are a team of 55 full time OpenERP/ODOO experts including 4 techno functional experts who were part of core openerp framework development and having 7+ years of experience in OpenERP. We have conducted 50+ local and international functional and technical training on OpenERP with 90% satisfaction ratio. Look at the events and customer feedback. Thanks. Thanks.