Dear Reader, Being an expert of Odoo Since 8+ years, we have been releasing some useful tips and news around Odoo every month. Here we go for December 2015. Please note down the ODOO tips coming out of Media around Odoo especially Twitter and Facebook. Lets thank to them.
- Self-paced Online Odoo technical training at a very low cost of $75. Rated 5 star and more than 62 students enrolled.
- Odoo Contribution : Find your idle projects with dates of last update,last communication. #SerpentCS … #odoo8 #odoo9
- SerpentCS Offers for the Odoo training and Odoo Modules - Configure Odoo to use Zentyal LDAP - One of the best fixes so far! avoiding user concurrency and logging … - Generate an XML file from a QWeb template for #odoo v8 with this module: - Thanks Yajo (Grupo ESOC) - The wait is over! popup reminder module and #organizationChart module are available on odoo app - Manage export profiles easily with this #odoo v8 module: - Thanks to Antiun - Odoo module to link project-tasks with Manufacturing and work orders :
- Odoo Highmap integration and map view via @YouTube #SerpentCS - Odoov9 app to force products on RFQ's to have non zero price now available at (Thanks #SerpentCS for inspiration.) - Require to login for purchasing in odoo #v8 e-commerce with this module: … - Thanks to Yajo (Antiun) -OCA/operating-unit is a new repository by OCA via GitHub - Odoo 9 now available in Bitnami! - Odoo - @Office365 #integration by @Serpent_CS