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Odoo Tips of the Month - January 2016

January 24, 2017 by
Odoo Tips of the Month - January 2016

Dear Reader, Being an expert of Odoo Since 9+ years, we have been releasing some useful tips and news around Odoo every month. Here we go for January 2016. Please note down the ODOO tips coming out of Media around Odoo especially Twitter and Facebook. Lets thank to them.

- Self-paced Online Odoo technical training at a very low cost of $75. Rated 5 star and more than 62 students enrolled.

- Odoo Contribution : Find your idle projects with dates of last update,last communication. … #odoo8 #odoo9

- SerpentCS Offers for the Odoo training and Odoo Modules - Make a claim to your supplier directly from your customer claims with this #OCA #odoo v8 module: … - Thanks to @vauxoo

- Select an specific invoice report per partner with this #OCA #odoo v8 module: … - Thanks to @domatix_tech

- January issue of the OCA Newsletter: 2016 Wishes, Planet Python, Reddit, Packaging and Runbots - #odoo

- Odoo tip of the day for v9 : #account model has a bool #deprecated to disallow the use of the account in transactions

- #OCA Group the events shown in your #odoo v8 website by organizer with: … - Thanks to Incaser

- Add an address for delivering the invoice in this #OCA #odoo v8 module by @eLBaddi:

- #Odoo Tip:Get better organize:Use the tags/colors!Highlight the important tags with a color &Find them super easily!Odoo Tips of the Month - January 2016


- Awaited option for having technical features w/o the need of debug mode is in #OCA #odoo v9 thanks to@stefan_opener …

- Performance and details of Prefetch_fields explained very well by @odony
- Include a breadcrumb in your #odoo v8 website with this #odoo module: … - Thanks to Yajo (Grupo ESOC)
- How will the SEO be handled for your websites made in Odoo
-The module for managing website blogs is now on #odoo v9 thanks to Incaser:
- Treat events like products with their possibilities with this #OCA #odoo v8 module: … - Thanks to Yajo
- Add subcommand ipshell that starts a IPython console.
- Odoo Automation for Quality Testing using Selenium
- Complete tech and functional comparison of #Odoo 9 Community vs Enterprise - 
- 'Website URL Friendly' #odoo must-have module. Add custom urls to website pages
- Fun fact of the day: #Odoo 9 now supports mentioning and smileys! Mention anyone from your contacts!They'll B notified & will access the conversation.
Odoo Tips of the Month - January 2016
 - New tutorial online about how to add static resources (CSS and JavaScript) to a custom module! See
- Generate tracks in batch for your events in #odoo v8 with this #OCA module: … - Thanks to Yajo
- Contributor Story: Lorenzo Battistini - Realize how powerful #Odoo and its ecosystem can be
- 2 different options for hiding left menu are now available in #OCA for #odoo v8 thanks to @Therp_BV and@AAltinisik: 
- Consider the potential qty you can produce in your stock information with this #OCA #odoo v8 module by@ClonedAgain:
- Odoo v9 Product_brand module by #SerpentCS -
- Show the notified partners in the footer of the #odoo v8 mails with this #OCA module: … - Thanks to @NemryJonathan
- Include an approval workflow in you documents with this #OCA #odoo v9 module: … - Thanks to @SFLinux
- #odoo tip of the day: When you call another with context, Use context=context named params for api compatibility
- OCA Send emails directly with #odoo v8 when you click on email fields - … - Thanks to @news_at_initOS
- This #OCA module helps you to create manuals for your management system in #odoo v9: … - Thanks to @SFLinux

  Please see more Updates: 1. Odoo news in July 2015. 2. Odoo news in Aug 2015. 3. Odoo news in Sep 2015. 4. Odoo news in Oct 2015. 5. Odoo news in Nov 2015. 6. Odoo news in Dec 2015. Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. is providing various ODOO services in more than 42 countries. Our services includes Training, Support, Migration, Implementation, Development and offshore. We are a team of 60+ full time OpenERP/ODOO experts including 4 techno functional experts who were part of core openerp framework development and having 8+ years of experience in OpenERP. We have conducted 68+ local and international functional and technical training on OpenERP with 90% satisfaction ratio. Look at the events and customer feedback. Thanks.